Tuesday 26 September 2017


RICH DAD’S BEFORE YOU QUIT YOUR JOB was written by Robert T. Kiyosaki in 2005. This book is again all about financial knowledge and it teaches us a few skills which we must cultivate in ourselves to gain wealth or to become a successful entrepreneur. Our jobs can’t fulfill our wishes. In order to become rich, we all have to make some secondary income sources, so that we can live our lives the way we want to live.

Many people are in doing a job because of SECURITY. The security of getting a monthly payment cheque, so that they can support their families. But is this security real? Many of us spend hours doing that work which they hate to do, only for the sake of that monthly pay cheque and that so called security. But the question is that, is this security worth all this? The answer is NO. Actually, this so called security is a myth. No one knows your high paying job may be cut off tomorrow. What will you do in that scenario? You, naturally, will be running in search of another job that will provide you with a monthly income and security. This circle goes on.
There is one another reason why people are not willing to take the responsibility of being an entrepreneur and that reason is RISK. The risk involved in being an entrepreneur is real. But which of these is more risky? Doing a job which you hate to do just to earn security ant that too by giving away your freedom or being an entrepreneur? I think second one is less risky than the first. So, at this point I assume that you would have understood what I’m trying to say and what Robert T. Kiyosaki is trying to teach you.
So now, let’s move onto the book. The concepts of this book are entirely dependent on the BI triangle, which is shown and described below:

This book teaches the basic requirements or the skills which one need to cultivate if one is willing to quit his/her job and looking forward to become an entrepreneur. So, let’s start with the BI TRIANGLE. The first thing in this triangle is a ‘TEAM’. If you are wondering that you can do everything on your own, and you don’t need any help from anyone else, then maybe you are wrong. It’s because in one way or another, we always need someone else’s help, in case if that work is too small, like making a cup of tea that can be done individually, here no team is required. But suppose if you are planning to start a blog of your own, then firstly you need the internet or someone who has the knowledge about blogs. Because starting any work without prior research is stupidity. So in this example you were depending upon internet or on some other person.
Next thing is the ‘MISSION’. One must have a mission or aim to start the business. Now comes the ‘LEADERSHIP’ quality. Without this quality, you won’t be able to make your team work accordingly.

 Next thing is the ‘PRODUCT’. The product or the service you are providing has to be the best. And also check whether people of a particular area require that product or service. Next we have ‘COMMUNICATIONS’. One should have good communication skills so that the person whom you are confronting is able to understand you. Next thing is ‘SYSTEMS’. Organize a systematized working process, so that work gets done on time and that too properly. To make your organization work in an efficient and effective manner, you need a systematized approach. Next point is ‘LEGAL’. Your product, service and the way of production and everything else you are doing should be legal. Last but not the least is ‘ÇASHFLOW’. Without flow of cash, how are you going to implement your idea? Let’s go back to the example that we took earlier. To make a blog you need internet which is not free, next you need a platform over which you can type. It is always possible to use the computers and internet at your college or school or wherever else you are working, but with that you will always be bound to make your articles on that particular span of time, when you are at your workplace. This takes away your freedom of doing your work anywhere and at any time. And we all know that entrepreneurship is all about freedom.
Now let’s start with those 10 tips, or 10 real life lessons which this book is about. So, the first one is ‘ÁTTITUDE’. Always keep your attitude in check. One should have a positive attitude towards work and towards his/her colleagues. Always be kind and polite to your colleagues. Because no one is perfect and we can grow up only together as a team. And we know beforehand that ‘KINDNESS BRINGS KINDNESS IN RETURN’. Second thing we have is, ‘EXPERIENCE ON THE BI-TRIANGLE’. Try to get as much experience as you can on the BI-TRIANGLE because BI-TRIANGLE is the key to success. Third point is ‘SALES=INCOME’. Always keep this point in mind. How much you sell is how much you earn. Fourth point we have is ‘ÓPTIMISTIC AND HONESTY’. Here with honesty, the author means being honest with yourself. Always be honest with yourself, and by saying ‘ÁLWAYS’ I mean ‘ÁLWAYS’. Never try to cheat yourself. And also being optimistic is always important. Optimistic means being confident and hopeful about future. So, always be confident and never lose hope. The fifth point is ‘HOW YOUR MONEY IS BEING SPENT’. Always keep checking where your money is going. The sixth point is ‘STARTING A BUSINESS FOR PRACTICING’. Start doing a small business so that you can practice well. This is a part of research. The seventh point is ‘ÁLWAYS WILLING TO ASK FOR HELP’. Never hesitate in asking for help whenever required. Eighth point is, ‘FINDING A MENTOR’. A mentor will guide you and help you.  Ninth point is ‘JOIN A NETWORK OF ENTREPRENEURS’. It will prove very helpful. You will gain a lot of knowledge and you will get to know how things work out. You will always be able to get a second opinion on your ideas. The last and the tenth point is, ‘BEING FAITHFUL’. Always be faithful to the process. Always follow the process that is going on.
With this the book ends. I hope these real life lessons will help you on your path to the success and hopefully this article will also help me in earning a bit. So wishing you all the best for your future and always remember that you don’t need to quit your job to cultivate these skills. These can be done while you are still working under your rude boss. Keep rocking, keep earning, keep saving.

1 comment:

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